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Scrappy Dappy Doo….

Another week kicks off with more manifesto publications – this time its Reform UK – the private company owned by its leader.

Here is my summary of their stated aims to drug and alcohol policies, justice and other things that caught my eye….. i would say offered without judgement but that is unlikely.

Alcohol – no mention.

Drugs – only mentioned in the context of policing and justice. The manifesto promises:

  • Zero tolerance policing and an end to ‘woke policing’
  • Dealing and trafficking of drugs to receive mandatory life sentences
  • New offence of ‘substantial possession of drugs’

Along with scrapping most things – they also pledge to leave the Eurpoean Court of Human Rights (predictably) and the World Health Organisation (odd). They’ll scrap all Diversity Positions in public life, scrap renters reform, scrap the BBC, scrap Police and Crime Commissioners, scrap net zeor and scrap sun tan lotion (woke nonsense – bit of blistering skin never did me any harm but we’re never leaving blighty again anyway).

There’s plenty more scrapping to be done.

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