Why Here – Why Now…
It was the summer of 2020 – there was a global pandemic, much of society was in lockdown. There was clearly no better time than to make a life changing decision and leave work. I had been working at Executive level in a large national charity for over two decades, was committed to the aims and objectives and had been there almost from the start. But the time was right to move on – for the organization as much as me.
I thought I still had 10 years or so to still make a difference.
So I decided to set myself up as an Independent Consultant – without really thinking through what I could offer, to who or why. I probably had a much clearer idea of what I didn’t want to do or who I didn’t want to be – beliefs that guided me in the years that followed.
Anyway here we are – three years later…..
“It” has become something real and I’ve had the privilege of working with some great organisations, developing strategies, working uo sustainable business plans, coaching leaders, undertaking impact evaluations and needs assessments – and loads of other stuff. Often with a close and growing group of values driven associates.
But no-one would really know any of this – other than through their personal contact with me.
So the time had come / was long overdue to launch a proper / grown up website – and here it is.
Designed by the fabulous and very patient Vicky its ready to go.
Hopefully the website is:
- Clear – it describes what we can do
- Reassuring – it shows examples of what we’ve done and how people have responded
- Helpful – you get a sense of what to expect and feel able / welcome to make contact
In my experience many people / organisations sometimes just need to think out loud and talk things through – but don’t always feel able to or assume that everything has a cost. I wanted to provide a space and opportunity just to chat, to sound out a third party and to think through what they might actually need and want. Without obligation.
So here it is – would welcome your thoughts and would love to hear from you.