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The game’s over – another crazy week

The last desperate lashings of a government that has lost its moral authority & knows it is limping towards irrelevance is firmly in the spotlight once more.

Others are more articulately expressing outrage about the attacks on the sick & disabled and clampdowns on ‘sicknote culture’. But I couldn’t help noticing that at the same time they’ve announced the closure of the Health and Work Programme – designed to support sick and disabled people into work. Rwanda bill has now passed – I don’t believe anyone in government actually believes it will ‘work’ nor that it makes financial sense. Alarmingly though it sets up further inevitable ‘culture wars’ with threats to leave the European Court of Human Rights.

But really the clearest evidence that things have just gone batsh*t crazy is that you can no longer listen to a govt representative without them quoting Churchill, putting the country on a war footing, discovering tht elusive magic money tree so they can rebuild military capability. Desperate times.

Meanwhile of course public services remain under immense pressure and those in society with the least power continue to carry the burdens of others ideological forays and economic fantasies.

I suspect its going to get tougher for the next few months – so remain resolute in my aspiration to keep working with good people, trying to do the right things so that we’ve half a chance of rebuilding a more compassionate, just and pleasant country.

In other news….. 2400 push ups in to the April challenge. Quite pleased with the progress made but secretly looking forward to the arrival of May.

My own response to the further evidence that football has just lost its soul and is completely disinterest in either the fans or welfare of clubs outside of the ‘elite’ through scrapping FA Cup replays – was to go to Whitehawk v Enfield. 193 hardy souls on a freezing cold night, celebrating inclusivity, taking a stand against racism, sexism, homophibia and transphobia by having a right laugh together and watching some pretty decent football.

Whitehawk won 1-0 denting the Londoners hopes for a play-off place. I’m not sure what surprised the Enfield fans more – the fact that swearing is actively discouraged or that the special meal deal comprised 10 sausages, large chips and cup of tea.


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