The game’s over – another crazy week
The last desperate lashings of a government that has lost its moral authority & knows it is limping towards irrelevance is firmly in the spotlight once more. Others are more articulately expressing outrage about the attacks on the sick & disabled and clampdowns on 'sicknote culture'. But I couldn't help noticing that at the same time
Less smoke – more heat.
The weekly round up of stuff that is in my head - in no particular order. Submitted last years' tax return - one bit of bureaucracy I always used to leave until the last minute. Now pleased to have it out of the way for another year. Been focused largely on two ongoing pieces of work
Musings on ages & stages
Met with an old friend this week - he's my age but his children are quite a bit younger and are at various stages of leaving home: moving back to the States, going to University or travelling on their gap year. 'I just worry that that's it - we've had the best times and now
That’s entertainment ….
Went to see Paul Weller's pre-tour warm up show on Tuesday with my friend and neighbour as trailed last week. I've seen him many times over the years - for good and bad. And this was one of the best - maybe because it was a 'warm up' the band were able to be