And they’re off….
The election has been called, we now (temporarily) have no MP’s as the campaigns have started with varying degrees of ineptness and chaos. But at least we know it’ll pass and there will be a new Government in July – with a mandate and a programme of work that has been courted publicly. The last few years of inward looking, factional in-fighting has done us all a disservice – especially those who use our services or need our support. I welcome the fact that this current period will end and that we will have some stability – whether the outcome works in ‘my favour’ or not.
I am keeping a record of how many times I scream ‘oh f*** off’ whenever I tune in to the news. This week’s highlights have been:
Labour – and its appalling treatment of Diane Abbott – trailblazing, demonised for years and genuinely well regarded in her constituency. They should be thankful that her loyalty to party an constituents are leading her to behave with a level of dignity the party doesn’t deserve.
Conservatives – let’s bring back national service for young people and introduce another tax break for older people. I’d love to know what ‘bubbles’ they think that young people live in – but it certainly feels like it might be a different planet.
Depressingly the far right are commanding much more airspace than their electoral base deserves – whilst Green, Lib-Dems and SNP barely get a word in. No wonder Ed Davey seems to have taken up a range of watersports as a distraction.
It also looks like we are going to be in for a really unedifying and unpleasant few weeks where personal insult, insinuation and slurs are set to be campaign tools rather than policy and principles.
I worked briefly for Labour during the 1992 election campaign – long story…. but remember at the time there was a growing trend to discredit sitting MP’s by ‘outing’ their sexuality. It was grubby and callous and already out of step with most of the population. I guess its a sign of some progress that someone being gay is just not news – and we’re all better for that. I fear though that as the election campaigns ramp up the entirely manufactured ‘culture wars’ will be revived. Keep an eye out, call it out and check in with your friends who might find themselves in the firing line of increasingly desperate and unhinged types belittling ‘wokeness’ or claiming to be speaking ‘common sense’.
If common sense was a thing – why do they write ‘do not drink’ on bottle of bleach…..
Workwise – I have been supporting a really interesting consortium of providers in London to prepare for and mobilise a ‘strengthening fatherhood’ pilot. Been great to work with new (and familiar) colleagues in a new area. As ever I am struck by the enthusiasm and energy of people trying to make a positive impact in their communities that have faced structural and systemic racism and exclusion. Just wait until my daughters find out…. I expect guffaws.
Musically – have had a busy week seeing: Ciel, Bodega and The Lovely Eggs. Even managed to get head butted on the peripherary of a ‘mosh pit’. At my bloody age… ridiculous.